Friday, September 6, 2013


                            Wow...a lot can happen in a 24 hour period!

Last night Joe and I were watching TV....a taped Duck Dynasty, which happens to be my favorite just ended and I went in the kitchen to get my phone to turn it off.  I usually turn it off at night before I go to bed so it doesn’t wake me up...It was 9:34pm....Wednesday night.
I just so happen to see I had a text from Sarah.  For those who don’t know, Sarah is pregnant with her 3rd child. She is 10 weeks along.  The text reads as follows:  “Can’t talk...too heartbroken.  I just went to the bathroom about an hour ago and lost a huge amount of blood/tissue and, of course, our baby.  I will call/go to the o.b. tomorrow. I don’t think I will need a DNC since it seems all the tissue came out together, but if I do, would you be able to take the girls?  The most heartbreaking will be tomorrow when I have to tell Laura.”
` Needless to say...this mama’s heart was broken as well.  This came on the heels of Jeff losing his job, and now losing a baby on top of that was a bit much for me.  It was late at night and I did not sleep well, to say the least!  But I did pray well......I prayed all night in bed tossing and turning.  I usually flip around like a fish, but last night was more flipping than flopping....
I woke up and texted Sarah that I would love to watch Emily while Laura was in school if she could get into the OB today.  She then tells me that Jeff said it could be a uterine blood clot, since it was a one-time release of blood and there was no cramping.  Jeff was working in Zephryhills and could not leave or be with her, so I was thinking he was grasping for straws to make himself feel better.  Poor guy...he has been through a lot in 2 days.

I got Emily for the much fun this little one.  A serious little toot, just like her mother was as a child...  wrapping a baby in a blanket is serious business, for heaven’s sake.  We put pretend cookies in and out of a container, we played with rocks, had lunch, jumped in the trampoline and fed squirrels....a full day....
It was fun, but my heart was somewhere else in a doctor’s office....At 12:10 I get a text which reads: “Baby is alive and well!  I have pictures to prove it!  He says I’ve got a 90% chance of keeping the baby, those are good odds.”  So it was a blood clot after all, (I call it a miracle) and all is well with the world, and God is good and I have been doing the happy dance ever since.  O my...a roller coaster ride for sure!  My arms were raised and I was going down fast....but like most rides, there was an UP and a safe landing!  
Thank you Lord!  Before Sarah went for her appointment, she said she has been blessed with 2 healthy girls and was praying with open hands.  I think when you know all is His makes it easier to give it back to Him.  She showed great faith in the one who threw the stars into place and the One who is the giver of life.....It strengthened my faith and prayer life, and I know even if the outcome had not been so wonderful, we serve a good and righteous God.  
The Sherwood family is growing in numbers...Amanda is pregnant as well and Stacy and Adam are adopting their two girls this Wed.....Really?  As I write this, the rain is coming down in buckets, just like His blessings on my family. ...
The bible ‘verse of the day’ on my phone reads as follows:
Ps 68:19  “Blessed be the Lord--day after day he carries us along.  He’s our Savior, our God, oh yes! He’s God-for-us, he’s God-who-saves-us.” ...Can I get an Amen?

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