Thursday, July 22, 2010

Here they are.....One of my favorite pictures....They are still hanging onto one another to this day!

To give you an update on my Daddy's condition....After his heart attack on July 16th, he has gotten out of ICU and had a heart cath today(22nd).....they put in 3 stents....Mother has 4 or 5 of those already, I lost count...I guess he is trying to catch up with her. They now have the same heart doctor...which will make their visits more convenient.

One thing I do know about these two....They are ALL HEART, no matter how many stents are put in. So continue to pray for these two love birds.....Pray for healing and for them both to live fully until God calls them home! Daddy is 83, Mother 79.
Here's Mother with Glenda and I.....Yes, I know.....I got even cuter as I got older....who would have ever thunk it!!! I think I will do my bangs like that again....maybe it will make me look younger!
Here he is holding some little sweet thing!....I was even cute back then!
Here's Daddy in his army days......ain't he cute?

Who is this young couple?

Check out my parents about 100 years ago! They have been married for 60 years....Glenn & Gin as they are known in town....young and in love!

Monday, July 12, 2010

gotta buck?

Here's our eight point buck enjoying his morning breakfast....There were 5 actually out there....but this was the brave one....When you come for a visit, leave your guns at home....Don't make me have to pad you down.....!

Swimming with Laura Jo

After swimming, a coon came for a visit....Laura Jo's first coon visit....I am thinkin' it won't be her last! She didn't want to leave the window....a bear came as well, but you guys are sick of bear pictures by now....I mean, how many times can you see a bear on the deck?....gets old around here....I can bearly stand it.....(I am making my dove sound)(but you knew that, right?)

Here we are yesterday after church.....Laura Jo came over and as you can see....The child forgot her bathing suit....but have no fear....You don't need one at the Sherwood Pool and Spa(but thank goodness Mama Jo put one on, or we'd be in trouble)....Just a willing Grandma who doesn't mind getting in the pool when there is no sun and a bit on the nippy side...but that is the job description....spoil 'em at every turn!...and besides her Mama didn't want to go in and Laura Jo was throwing a bit of a kanip!.....wanted in the water......

Sunday, July 11, 2010

1972 Squirrel Reunion

Thirty eight years ago, I graduated from High School with these squirrely girls...We went to Robert E. Lee High School in Baytown, Texas......The purses say it all.....PEACE BABY! Everywhere we went in Clearwater Beach we turned heads.....Not from our beauty.....but from these dad gum purses....well, MY BEAUY maybe....but the rest of them, forget it!...Caroline(yellow purse) got us the purses and we all got ankle bracelets from Lanelle(green purse)....We filled up the tube that went around the ankles with sand from the Lanelle....mine is filled with sand and the salt water....I have known these girls all my life......I have known Caroline for 50 cotton pickin' years....that is crazy, ya'll! they have not changed much....except for the waist lines, the crows feet around the eyes, and the memory's surprising we even remember each other's names....ha! So here's to good friends and wild purses!....

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Now the bear is trying to whisper in my ear...."hey any food in there? Let me in....I don't eat much!"

I can BEARLY stand it!

Here's Joe minding his own business....trying to watch golf, when Mama Bear decides to come visit our deck