Thursday, February 25, 2010

Big honkin' Bear

Check out this big bear in our backyard in the middle of the dad gum day! AND here I am acting all cool like he is going to stay put and doesn't weigh 500 pounds! Am I crazy or what?

Tuesdays with Jewel

My morning was filled with Jewel at "THE HOME".....found her asleep in the TV room.....the room was filled with wheelchairs, everyone ready to play "balloon toss"....a game filled with excitement, but noone there to toss the balloon and no balloon....The crankiest lady at the home saw me and told me to get a balloon and that I could toss it my efforts to find a balloon.....I was told "we will see what we can do"....which in layman's term when translated means...."I don't give a rat's behind what you want"....ha! I came up empty.....but it was time for chapel which CRANKY PANTS said...."I hate chapel"....I said..."O it's a lot of fun...." I just got the glare back....either that means, "WHATEVER"...or she just didn't hear me....which is usually the case....cause she glares at everybody....

Chapel was fun.....some lady plays on the piano....These people cannot sing hymns without a piano(being raised singing accapella, I find that strange)....One week the pianist wasn't there and so they just didn't sing.....I told the guy...we could sing anyway,....and then I got the glare must be contagious.....anyway......I find it better if I keep my trap shut....So we sang some OLD OLD hymns that I barely knew at an octive only dogs could sing to.....but I gave it my best shot.....His sermon was hard for me to hear, so I was sure none of the other residents could hear him either...but what I heard, was good....Jewel never hears it.....They said during part of it....."Turn to page 8".....The preacher said...."88?.....Everyone said "NO, page 8!"....He says..."Page 88?" At this time, some guy walking by yells...."It's page 8 Preacher!".....To which Jewel wakes up and says....Yeah, my birthday is July 8!"....I couldn't make this stuff up.....This is where I get my material....ha!

After chapel, we have prime seats for Bingo.....It takes about 10 minutes or so to move wheelchairs around and tables set up so everyone can play...While we were waiting, CRANKY PANTS wheeled herself in glaring at everybody....She wanted coffee, but couldn't reach it in her I jumped up to help her....I fixed her a cup of her sugars.....her thank you..... no nothing....just glared....bless her heart....I am thinking her face is just stuck that way......We had a full house today...about 22 players....A dollar gets you in, but the bingo winner gets $2....We won of course.....always do....I am the only one who can see and hear in the room.....Jewel hates to share her winnings.....but we got the full $2 it was a good day! She sleeps thru most of it, but wouldn't miss it for nothing.

After chapel, Jewel had to go to the bathroom....This is always my favorite part...she needed a new paper panty, (as we like to call it).....the one she was wearing had seen better days.....I got her all fixed up.....we finally got out of the bathroom when she says...."Honey, could you find my bra and help me get it on?....They didn't put one on me this morning...." So we proceeded to get her guns back in their holsters....that was fun....

I hugged her goodbye and left thinking....."God is so good.......!"

Monday, February 8, 2010

Forgot something....

I forgot to add a group photo of the whole Sherwood Gang....There were 34 of us this, my, my! When did that happen? It was an awesome time and we all thank Uncle Steve for bringing us together!

Monday, February 1, 2010

I'm going for No. 2

For those who haven't gotten the news.....Stacy is pregnant and due Sept 8th! I am pretty sure this one will be a redheaded little bugger and just darlin'!....I am sure all of my grandbabies will be adorable....but Sarah has already taken the best name off of the list.....Stacy will have to come up with something creative that nobody can spell! Here we are just last week....we had a field trip to Jacksonville to see our Stacy with her bun in the oven....