Wednesday, July 25, 2012

It was Majo's day with the girls!

                              I took this picture of Emily in her walker....She smiled all day long.....
                            Laura Jo took this picture....the child is 3......not bad girl.....
      This was one of my favorites.....not exactly ready yet Laura....give me a break.....
                     Laura Jo centered this one girl has a career.......
                             Unfortunately this is what I looked like most of the day.......
                    And of course gotta get a good close up of the carpet......good job Laura Jo!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Dedicating Claire to the Lord

It is very sweet for this mom to see her kids, especially her son(whom you think was never paying attention) to get something right...ha!  My heart was warmed to see Philip and Amanda dedicate Claire to the Lord.....They have pledged to give it their all.....So thrilled to have been there!  Not many things get to me...but this one did....I love it that my children love the Lord....plain and simple....Is there anything better than family?

       We are all ready to go.......Looks like Claire has been rehearsing for this for weeks!

How sweet is this child?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


               EMILY....Can you stick the whole thing in your mouth?  Laura Jo isn't so sure.....
                                 Claire is sporting her bright blue bow....Is she adorable or what?
                          Amanda always looks radiant and is liking this Motherhood gig.....
                                      Ok, you two.....quit clowning around....that's Majo's job! are too cute!
                                Here is Emily walking, kinda, sorta......well, you be the judge......

This was the MAINE thing

 This was my seat every in one hand, my "1,000 gift" pad in the other....
 good thing I had my toes view was wonderful.....
 The lobster boats were everywhere....and you can see all of the buoys out there full of those little guys!
 These two birds sang to me every morning....I sang back, but found out they didn't speak "turkey"
 Of course what would Maine be like without a Light House?
 The flowers everywhere were beautiful!
 You KNOW how I am with my paths....loved this bridge....
 AND come to find out.....I was on the RIGHT path.....who knew?
 Here is Joe and I with Maine's version of bluebonnets....
 Here is the bridge to Stonington, Maine where we, huh?
 Our MAINE focus was GOLF & LOBSTER, which we did most every day....Loved it!
 This is downtown quaint and wonderful....