Wednesday, August 19, 2015

My Texas Bunk Room

If anyone knows me at all....they know that my roots run deep down into the heart of TEXAS, where I was born and raised.  So it only seemed fitting to have a Texas room in Florida.  But not anything would do.  My friend James Musser is a gifted carpenter from Hawkins, Texas.  I commissioned him to build me a couple of bunk beds. He didn't get the lumber from Home Depot, but actually went out on his property and "harvested" the wood, as he puts it. (it is cedar, BTW) It took him a good while to build these babies....They are a work of art.  

So....How do you get 500 pound bunk beds each, to Florida you may ask....good question....

You get a one way ticket, rent a Uhaul, drive to Hawkins, pick up the beds, and drive them back, silly!  How else?

I just so happen to have a husband who went along with my crazy plan.

...And a husband who is talented enough to put these babies together.  On our long ride back to Florida, we realized that the room we had planned for these beds would not do...just love when that happens! We needed a bigger once home, we moved 3 bedrooms around, and of course, I had to paint this room in a Texas blue bonnet BLUE, right?  My sister, Glenda, made the blankets for the beds.  So EVERYTHING in here was made by a Texan!  Only thing left to say is YEHAW!...Come visit us....your bed is waiting for ya!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sundays 8-16-15

Why I love Sundays 

   Back in the day (1960's), Sunday's were sacred.  Very few stores were opened, no-one mowed their lawns.... It was a day to rest, a day to go to church, a day to be quiet.  I loved Sundays as a child.  Got to go to Sunday school and learn about Jesus.... Got to go to church and sing about Jesus, then we would have a Sunday lunch (which was rich in love and calories) and thank Jesus for it.  A childhood memory that I cherish.... Thank you Mother and Daddy for giving me such sweet times.  
    Fast forward to 2015......I still love Sundays......I get up and make coffee, watch a little church TV.... Who doesn't love Charles Stanley?... Then we head to church....sing good and loud during praise time and hear a good convicting sermon.... And if it is a really good Sunday, I get to witness a baptism.... That always sends chills up my spine, makes my eyes swell up with tears, and just warms my soul.....I so love baptisms.... Today especially....a gal got baptised who recently got out of prison, who is in our "just as I am" program.... The entire group of them all stood up when she entered the water and I thought I would burst with chills.... What a declaration of unity... Loved it!.... And then we all clapped as she rose from the"grave" of baptism.....shedding the old "man"... Or in this case "woman" and starting a new life with Jesus.....this is why I love Sundays!!!!
    We always have the Lord's Supper every Sunday..... Does it get old?.... Sometimes.... But in my later years, it means the world to me..... It reminds me of why I am here, it reminds me of the sacrifice, and it reminds me to be thankful to my Lord and Savior.
    We go home, change into our "house" clothes..... Eat lunch, which is usually leftovers, and watch a little Sunday Morning (our favorite show to DVR) .... Joe and I like to guess what the nature scene will be at the end... It is surprising how many times we have guessed it dead on....our little game we like to play.  
    When we are really tired, we get a nap in, or I catch up with Laundry, or watch Golf, or do an afternoon Jazz class.....or the grandkids come over for a swim..... All of those make up for a good Sunday!!!
    So I have to ask...... Do you love your Sundays?....I am thinking the Lord wants us to. The older I get, the more reflective I become.... And love the Lord's day..... Actually, every day belongs to Him..... So Lord.....I give this day to you!.... Make it Rock!
     BTW, that picture on top is NOT from our church, but a picture I took in Germany this year.....ha.....just needed to clarify!