Sunday, July 17, 2011

There's a Jewel in Heaven today!

Well, here she is ..... My first memories of her.....This was back in 2006.......I went every Tuesdays to see this crazy lady and we talked about golf a lot, among other important things....So she posed with my clubs and sent it to her brothers, telling them she had taken up the game.....What a cut up she was......That's why we got along so well....So I guess she had a tee time today and couldn't miss it.....Hit 'em long and straight, my dear friend!
When I went to visit her at her house back then, she would sit in her chair and put on her make up.....I would sit and watch with awe.....This woman could not see a thing, but would put her eye make up on better than most professionals.....and then her blush, lipstick...the was an amazing thing to watch....I learned a thing or two.....The blind leading the blonde.....
Jewel never could see how cute I Jewel, if you are looking down's ME......Save me a seat on your front porch and we will have some sweet tea and cake and cookies and all the things you could never have down here.....
I love you my dear sweet friend.....

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