After swimming, a coon came for a visit....Laura Jo's first coon visit....I am thinkin' it won't be her last! She didn't want to leave the window....a bear came as well, but you guys are sick of bear pictures by now....I mean, how many times can you see a bear on the deck?....gets old around here....I can bearly stand it.....(I am making my dove sound)(but you knew that, right?)

Here we are yesterday after church.....Laura Jo came over and as you can see....The child forgot her bathing suit....but have no fear....You don't need one at the Sherwood Pool and Spa(but thank goodness Mama Jo put one on, or we'd be in trouble)....Just a willing Grandma who doesn't mind getting in the pool when there is no sun and a bit on the nippy side...but that is the job description....spoil 'em at every turn!...and besides her Mama didn't want to go in and Laura Jo was throwing a bit of a kanip!.....wanted in the water......
I heard the dove.