Thirty eight years ago, I graduated from High School with these squirrely girls...We went to Robert E. Lee High School in Baytown, Texas......The purses say it all.....PEACE BABY! Everywhere we went in Clearwater Beach we turned heads.....Not from our beauty.....but from these dad gum purses....well, MY BEAUY maybe....but the rest of them, forget it!...Caroline(yellow purse) got us the purses and we all got ankle bracelets from Lanelle(green purse)....We filled up the tube that went around the ankles with sand from the beach....cool....thanks Lanelle....mine is filled with sand and the salt water....I have known these girls all my life......I have known Caroline for 50 cotton pickin' years....that is crazy, ya'll! they have not changed much....except for the waist lines, the crows feet around the eyes, and the memory loss....it's surprising we even remember each other's names....ha! So here's to good friends and wild purses!....
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