Monday, December 20, 2010
Star Light.... Star Bright
Michael: JoJo? Are you sure, boss? I mean, you created him and all, but he’s done nothing all this time....but just lay around waiting...
God: EXACTLY! I have a special mission for him....I have needed him to lay low all these centuries, so he can really shine for me....
Michael: Okay boss....but he is really a slackard on many levels...Don’t know what good he will do ya, but I will go....
So Michael leaves and goes to the Star Storage Unit..(and you thought only humans store things)....He goes to Unit 25 and knocks on the door....
“Hey JoJo,” Michael says.....”The boss is asking for you.”
JoJo: Me? Are you sure? Is it time?
Michael: I guess so....Don’t know what you two have cooked up....but the boss wants you pronto.....
So JoJo looks in the mirror...He dusts off his shiny parts and zooms to the throne room....
JoJo: Boss, did you ask for me? Is it time....Is it really time?
God: Well, JoJo, just look at you! After all these years....I named you special...You had a kick in your step, a spark in your eyes......I named all my stars and put them in place....but you, my dear JoJo, I have held you back....Your mission begins in a few days....This Saturday to be exact.....Are you up to it?
JoJo: Oh my, God...I guess so....I mean, you know all things, right? I don’t know if I have it in me.....
God: Come here my little star....
As JoJo came near, God’s arms wrapped around him and he was warmed like nothing JoJo had ever felt before...and God breathed into his face....It sent shivers down his inner parts....until the little star doubled in size and was shining all over the throne room....The kick in his step kicked it up a notch, and JoJo was bright as could be....
God: Glow JoJo...Glow my little star....You will shine brighter than any star I have ever made...You will guide the shepherds and many others to announce the birth of MY son. It is time...There is no greater assignment. To the EAST WITH YOU....and God blew and JoJo went far up into the sky.
JoJo: O boss, I won’t disappoint you....
And his voice faded off as it went to have it’s place over the manger in Bethlehem.
JoJo was beaming....Wow, what an assignment this is....! And as he was getting comfortable in his new position....He heard a great company of the heavenly angels singing...”Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth, goodwill toward all men.”
As he looked down, he could see the baby....After all, he had front row seats.....He knew Jesus personally for quite a while....but he never looked quite like this. Here He was....God turned into man....what a sight...and he could see that many were looking him....for he was to lead them to the newborn babe. Remembering his assignment, he lifted his chest, and shined even brighter than before...there was a lot riding on his shoulders...He was to shine the light on THE, it was hard for him to take it all in...
At that very moment, he heard a quiet whisper from God himself.....”Good job my little eastern star.....Shine on.....”
And so he did....and the rest is history......
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Lets EAT!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Meet Francis
Every Tuesday I go to the home to visit Jewel....but I have to find Francis....She is usually in the main room looking great. I have never seen her dose off...She is sharp as a tack.... She is 100 years old....She lights up when she sees me....who wouldn't?.... she is a sweet thing....tiny as can be....I could put her in my pocket. She can't hear thunder, so talking with her is a challenge...I am usually screaming at her...and about the third time, she hears me....too cute! This week she was telling me about her dad...he was a dentist and then she proceeded to show me which were her real teeth and which ones weren't......I needed to know that...Anyway, here she is.....Thought you would want to see what 100 years looks like.....No....I am not talking about the one on the left!......ha!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Plastic Jesus
At my kitchen sink I look across and can see my neighbors house. Every year they put up their plastic nativity scene at is all lit up. I can’t help but smile, cause unlike most folks, I LOVE this little scene....
You can see the same thing on a lot of yards this time of year. Mary and Joseph leaning over the baby with their plastic smiles and their plastic clothes...
Today I babysat Laura Jo...a thrill of mine as a grandma....she was fascinated with my nativity scene inside the house as well....and went right for Jesus and his bed...the hay went all over the floor.....she must have put him in and out of that bed for hours....and kissing him goodnight...and hugging sweet I could hardly stand myself!
I can see why Jesus said....”let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Yes indeed!
As I watched Laura Jo hug and kiss Jesus goodnight, I prayed right there that she would always love Him and at night, He would be right there tucking her in for a good night’s sleep.
The plastic Jesus’ all over town might not do anything for you...but they certainly do it for me...for you’s not the plastic that that gets to is the light inside..
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thanksgiving 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Laura Jo jazzing it up!
The Eagles have landed
Backdrop for Hotel California.....
Here Sally & I at the concert....we liked our neighbors behind us so much, that we trusted him with my camera....
Monday, October 18, 2010
They're IN!!!!!!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
I'm not Feeling the Love!
Did you know they are illegal immigrants? They came from Central America to Texas and then found their way to Florida in 1974 and haven’t left. Where was the border police? Apparently looking the other way.....
The reason they love Florida is they are attracted to decaying vegetation....which makes me a bit annoyed because they seem to be loving my neck of the woods....They don’t bite, they don’t sting, but they are everywhere.....
The other day I was outside when a “couple” flew up into my nose...I am thinking it must have looked like decaying vegetation to them, I guess....They were in there a while before I could blow them out...I was hoping the neighbors weren’t looking....
For those who need to know, you usually see them in twos....butt to butt...(or is that cheek to cheek?)....The larger one is the female(why are we always the bigger ones?), which means she has the say as to what direction they are going...and it also might explain why they seem to fly irratically....I don’t think she knows where the mall is....And if you are wondering....the answer is YES, they are DOING IT!...right there in front of God and everybody......I have never been one for public affection, so this is a bit on the bragging side if you ask me....I mean, they latch on and fly around showing off.....
You do see the pitiful ones that are all by themselves..They are the males.....It makes me want to sing....”One is the loneliest number that you’ll ever do”.....I guess those males didn’t make the score & can’t score....and are forced to watch their buddies “get it on” until they die....which you will want to know is only about 56 hours....Once they become adult, they only live 3-4 days....Can I hear an “Ahhhhhh” sad, too bad...Can you imagine doing it until you die?.....I guess they haven’t seen the commercial that tells you to call your doctor after 4 hours!!!!
Another interesting fact is that the male's eyes are 4 times larger than the females(I’m not making this up)....Why do I need to know this tid bit? Apparently it helps them find their significant other...I don’t mean to be judgemental, but they ALL LOOK ALIKE TO ME...What exactly are the males looking for? Long legs, a skinny “thorax”, or shiny coat? O PLEASE! If it is like most males, if she’s breathing, she’ll do.....They hit the Barry White button with “Lets Get It On” and the rest is history....They DO IT until they end up on the bumper of my car, ready to take the paint off....Which makes me love this time of year....Wow, what a life! At least they are smiling with those goofy big eyes until the very end!
I am thinking it is a conspiracy with the Car Wash people....There are behind all of this!
Now....don’t you feel smarter?....or are you wondering why do I read Laura's blog? know why....YOU LOVE ME!!!!!!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
September 24, 2005
Sunday, September 12, 2010
I love mornings at the Sherwood Buffet
this fella is always the first to arrive.....We call him Little Buck....but will probably change that next year when his rack grows.