At my kitchen sink I look across and can see my neighbors house. Every year they put up their plastic nativity scene at is all lit up. I can’t help but smile, cause unlike most folks, I LOVE this little scene....
You can see the same thing on a lot of yards this time of year. Mary and Joseph leaning over the baby with their plastic smiles and their plastic clothes...
Today I babysat Laura Jo...a thrill of mine as a grandma....she was fascinated with my nativity scene inside the house as well....and went right for Jesus and his bed...the hay went all over the floor.....she must have put him in and out of that bed for hours....and kissing him goodnight...and hugging sweet I could hardly stand myself!
I can see why Jesus said....”let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Yes indeed!
As I watched Laura Jo hug and kiss Jesus goodnight, I prayed right there that she would always love Him and at night, He would be right there tucking her in for a good night’s sleep.
The plastic Jesus’ all over town might not do anything for you...but they certainly do it for me...for you’s not the plastic that that gets to is the light inside..
Very nice, God Bless