Five years ago these two love birds got married.....I remember the first time we met Adam....Joe & I drove up for a Gator game cause there was "this guy" Stacy wanted us to meet. He met us at dinner and was a little nervous....You could tell he was smitten with Stacy....I am thinking his red hair was a little redder that day....Anyway, we went off to the game and afterwards, Stacy went up to her dorm room, cause Adam wanted to talk to us. WHAT? Who does that?....anyway, he was so sweet and told us how much he thought of Stacy and asked permission to date her (Is that even done anymore?)....Their first real date was to be the next day at church....I mean, ya gotta love that, right? He said we didn't have to worry when she was with him, cause she was his sister in Christ and he would take care of her and not harm her. I was ready to marry the man, if she didn't....ha! They dated 10 months before he kissed her....I remember when Stacy called me to give me the news....she was just rambling on and I said.."Has he kissed you yet?".....She said that he had....and I said, "So, was it worth the wait?"....she said so sweetly...."O yeah was nice..."....The rest is history....He proposed to her on a white horse.....if you can believe that....that's another story in itself....
So Stacy & Adam....Have a great Anniversary....may your love grow more for each other every day, may you laugh until you cry....and may this house you are building become a home filled with little red headed youngens running all over the place....and saying, "Mama Jo, can I have another cookie?" which I will reply...."Of course you can, you want two?"
You two mean the world to me...but I think you know that.....Adam, remember when you were at the house in the early years and we were having dinner....another meal with gravy....and you didn't put enough on your potatoes, so I had to help you out and covered your potatoes with the greasy stuff?....You were a bit taken back, and didn't know what to think of your future Mother in Law...Well, honey, it's gravy from here on out....You got the prize, you married up, son....cause Stacy is a gem....none you take care of our red headed darlin' child....I love ya like you were my own.....

Thanks, Mama Jo. Love you & your gravy, too!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Mom. We're so blessed to have a Mom/MIL like you!