Thursday, April 2, 2015

2015 My thoughts on Easter

Easter...It comes once a year.....Church is really crowded that day.  You don't get your regular parking spot.  You sit in your judgmental pew and wonder where all these people came from.  Why are they here?  I don't remember that family on the second row.

You go home, eat ham, eat the ear off of a chocolate bunny, maybe get a nap in, and then clean the kitchen....another Sunday...or is it?

We call ourselves Christians for one reason only......we believe that Jesus conquered death and left us with an empty empty tomb, but not an empty heart.  A heart that is busting full of gratitude for giving us this free is called Groupon needed...imagine that....a gift that allows us to spend eternity with the one who threw the stars into place and named the hippo, a hippo of all things. ....imagine my room next to yours....He has prepared it just for us...he made my room blue, my favorite color, and put daisies in yours, since those are your favorite...He just so happens to know that....He is SO God......

The world has commercialized this day...a day to hunt eggs, eat chocolate bunnies, color boiled eggs, and wear bonnets to church.  I don't think God had that in mind at all....Before time began He had this all planned apply skin to spirit...come to earth in a young girls womb, and be born in a stable with stars aglow in the sky.  A strange way to break the barrier from space to earth....but it works....

It works for this 60 year old grandma of 7 who happens to believe her savior is filled with wonder and glory! much glory sometimes I wonder if He sees me down here.....O yeah He does!....He sees me...I see Him....I smile, so does is a beautiful thing....

I am smiling now as I think about my life, and the fullness He has brought to ME of all I sit here....iPad in my lap, with one hand makes it a tad hard to type that way....but praising a God who knows me, Ioves me, and smiles as I fumble through typing one handed!....

Although Easter comes once a year, I will remember your sacrifice daily....will have a little more patience to those who come to church twice a year.....and maybe even park a little further out, to give them my space.  After all, you are preparing me a space in your kingdom......the least I could do, is give them a spot closer to YOU.

Thank you Jesus for being my one and only! room arranger, my heart Savior...couldn't ask for anything more!

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