Sunday, November 9, 2014

TX TRIP NOV. 5-8 2014

Here is my airplane partner, Emily.  Of course she got the window seat...I drew the short straw...the middle seat!

This was like traveling with a bunch of gypsies...luggage, car seats, piled high...o my!

Of course we get to TX and it was cold, rainy, and one would think we would have a miserable time....The best day ever!  Our first stop was in downtown Dallas where they have a city block of a longhorn cattle drive in metal...It was hard to take a picture of it all, it was so massive, and so incredibly cool!

NEXT stop was the Ft Worth stockyard where twice a day they drive the longhorns down the middle of the street....Only in TX, right?

Laura got to sit on an 1,800 pound longhorn


In Whitney we had to do crafts with Memom!...a little slice of heaven!

Lunch with a TX shaped cornbread and a little butter on top.....YUM!

Picking pecans in the church parking lot....yep, there are a lot of nuts at church, in case you were wondering!

Emily was a very serious picker of pecans....she loved it!

The 2 first borns....Paula & Sarah

Cousins getting acquainted....instant love connection!

Laura & Emily LOVED hanging out with Evie....

Evie is showing off her flexibility....I was going to do the same, but decided a trip to the hospital wasn't necessary!...maybe another day...or maybe not!

Of course I have to take food pictures.  Didn't want to disappoint anyone!

We took LOTS of family pictures.  Sarah has most of them on her camera...this was my contribution....Memom & Pepaw with the Westover's

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