Wednesday, November 19, 2014

2014 Thanksgivng

Thanksgiving....I love this holiday....there’s family, there’s turkey, there’s dressing, there’s calories....everything in one nice package...what is not to love?  So I take this time to give thanks to my creator, my savior, my helper, my ALL IN ALL!!  
Since I have been doing my 1,000 gifts (Ann Voskamp, where ever you are, you have changed my life) for some 3 years now, I thought it only appropriate to tell you NOW what I am so thankful here we go....

God, I am thankful for....

Such a beautiful sunset on the way home today from jazz....the blues and pinks in the sky...a thing of beauty!

Rubbing Emily’s back on the plane on the way home.

Joshua’s soft baby skin

Holding my mama’s crooked arthritic hand....the hand that loves me and cared for me for some 60 years...thank you mama!

Holding Daddy’s hand...those thick calloused hands, that worked hard all his life, but gentle in my hand.

Getting a text or facetime with Claire who loves to talk to her Majo.

Hearing a message from Stacy with Milly in the background saying...Majo, are you there?

Getting a text in the early morning from Glenda asking me....U UP?

Norah's smile from ear to ear.

Baby the smell.  How come it smells different on me than you?

Joe snoring next to me....reminding me that I have a husband who is ALIVE and well, who loves me and takes good care of me.

Talking to Annie on the phone and her asking me, "Can we come to your house Majo?"

Getting a call from Philip, my son of few words, saying WHATSUP?

Laura stretching out her arms and showing me how much she loves me.

Early morning jazz and my FAVORITE instructor! KNOW who you are!

My bible study girls....both Wednesdays and Tuesdays....SWEET!

Turning a knob and my fireplace glows...I turn around in the early morning with outstretched arms to see the shadow of the CROSS on the ceiling....

Having DEAR friends who mean the world to me...If I haven’t told you, shame on me...but I love you more than you probably know!

My 3 children...I remember when you came into this world....and life for me has never been the same!

Golf....I so love this sport that I discovered in my later years...thank you Lord...

Rocking babies to never gets old, it only gets sweeter....the heavy breathing, the sweaty neck, all good in my books!

The grands running into the house looking for me...


Ok, I think I could go on and on and list is endless, when God is thank you Lord, for MY LIFE!  May I never take it for granted, that I use it to your glory, that I continue to learn and grow on this journey!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

TX TRIP NOV. 5-8 2014

Here is my airplane partner, Emily.  Of course she got the window seat...I drew the short straw...the middle seat!

This was like traveling with a bunch of gypsies...luggage, car seats, piled high...o my!

Of course we get to TX and it was cold, rainy, and one would think we would have a miserable time....The best day ever!  Our first stop was in downtown Dallas where they have a city block of a longhorn cattle drive in metal...It was hard to take a picture of it all, it was so massive, and so incredibly cool!

NEXT stop was the Ft Worth stockyard where twice a day they drive the longhorns down the middle of the street....Only in TX, right?

Laura got to sit on an 1,800 pound longhorn


In Whitney we had to do crafts with Memom!...a little slice of heaven!

Lunch with a TX shaped cornbread and a little butter on top.....YUM!

Picking pecans in the church parking lot....yep, there are a lot of nuts at church, in case you were wondering!

Emily was a very serious picker of pecans....she loved it!

The 2 first borns....Paula & Sarah

Cousins getting acquainted....instant love connection!

Laura & Emily LOVED hanging out with Evie....

Evie is showing off her flexibility....I was going to do the same, but decided a trip to the hospital wasn't necessary!...maybe another day...or maybe not!

Of course I have to take food pictures.  Didn't want to disappoint anyone!

We took LOTS of family pictures.  Sarah has most of them on her camera...this was my contribution....Memom & Pepaw with the Westover's