Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Memories I can't shake...

        Being OLD has it’s advantages.  The memory fails me at every turn.  I am the safest person you could tell a secret to!  Trust me, I am a dad gum vault!
However, there are some memories that return, that I can’t seem to shake.
Just this morning, during my quiet time, being still before the Lord, is usually when it happens....and sure enough, He reminded me of Sept. 4th, 2013.  It was late at night.  I keep my phone in the kitchen charging and I went in to turn it off for the night.  But before I did, I checked for messages.  It was from Sarah.  She had just announced with great joy, weeks earlier, that she was pregnant with No. 3.  In this text she writes.  “Mom, I can’t talk. My heart is breaking. I am losing my baby.  There is a lot of blood. Could you come watch the girls, while I go to the doctor in the morning?”
As a Mom, my heart sank, followed by knees hitting the floor, praying for my first born.  I had been down this road before with Stacy & Amanda, and now Sarah.  This Mama’s heart was in two.  Sleep was not found that night.  I tossed and turned and prayed.  
I arrived at Sarah’s early the next morning.  She was trying to be brave, and was out the door before I could turn around.  Laura & Emily were in FULL TILT and kept me busy until I got a text at 12:10 from Sarah....”baby is alive.  Heard a strong heart beat.  It was a blood clot outside of the womb.  All is well”
O MY!  I went from heart ache to sweeping the girls up and dancing around the room.  It is amazing how close sadness and joy are....just a stone’s throw away from each other!  I was reminded of Ps 30:5  “Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.”  Rejoicing indeed!  
So, do you believe in miracles?  Today Joshua is a strong 4 month old. Thought you would want to see one for yourself.


1 comment:

  1. Sadness and joy. Weeping and laughter. Death and life. You are a blessed grandmother indeed!
