Wow, has it been 40 years ago since I donned on my cap and gown and said good bye to Robert E. Lee High School in Baytown, TEXAS? Apparently so! It is amazing what 40 years will do to a fella....This group of gals were my closest friends through it all....Have known most of them all my life. Texans are like that....We find a place, and stay put. So I just got back from the Reunion. We drove around Baytown, went to the old familiar places, saw houses we haven't seen in years, told stories on each other, which I will gladly NOT repeat, thank you very much! They told me I use to imitate Flip Wilson....in fact, they said I was awesome and they wanted me to do a little of it for them.....I looked like a deer in the headlights! I have NO RECOLLECTION of it at all....other than the fact, I am sure I was GOOD, no doubt.....When I was telling Stacy(my middle child) about it....she said...."Who is Flip Wilson?" HA! So, there ya have it....
I would like to say after 40 years I am much more sure of myself, have this great wisdom, more self control, but I would be fooling myself! I am, however, in the prime of my life....Love my family like crazy....Love those grandkids.....Still have my health, my parents are still alive, AND God has showered me with blessings beyond measure!
So here is to Caroline, Danna, Ann, Lanelle, & Gail....You are still lookin' good and see ya in 10 years!
I may not know who Flip Wilson is . . . but, I'm looking forward to seeing your impression!