The strangest thing has happened in my back yard....I have these black leaves everywhere...We have always been bombarded by leaves since we live in Sherwood Forest for heavens sakes.....but never by this burned variety....very strange indeed. But it made me think that it is a lot like us.....We hang on to what we know as long as we can...and then something, someone, comes along and we get burned....and we fall to the ground. Seemingly this is where most of us stay....burned, crushed from life's woes. I was just outside and noticed that in their place are beautiful GREEN leaves....a new fresh beginning...but the only way to see them are TO LOOK UP!...Isn't that always how it is?....LOOK UP PEOPLE....You will find if you bring your burnt offerings to the Lord, your bruised, sore souls.....that He will replace it with fresh, beautiful, new beginnings. And when you do fall to the ground, it is probably where God wants you....stay there on your knees and thank Him for being a God who knows your name and He will pick you up, dust off your clothes and send you on your way. The problem with some people is that God has given you a new start, yet you don't live like it....you live like you are still sizzling from the heat....so start livin'.....you are writing your own story with each day....what are people reading?.....It might be time to start a new chapter of your book......
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