Well, it's a NEW YEAR...2010.....Which means NEW BEGINNINGS and we get to do a "do over".....Another chance at trying to get it right...Of course, that is never possible, at least not in MY POWER....Only with HIS help can I ever do anything right or good or perfect.....I had a perfect putt once, but that was once....and I probably had HIS help, now that I am thinking about it....ha!
My wish for my children for this year is to have "just enough" trials to keep you on your knees....."Just enough" riches to be gratetful and to give to others more freely.....& "just enough" patience to keep your head on straight when under stress....AND an abundance of joy & laughter to get you through each day.....an abundance of time to spend with each other.....and an abundance of gas to bring you home to me on occasion!
I resolve to lose weight this year....I am actually putting it in writing so you all can call me on it when you see me scarfing down a pile of fries with chili and cheese......
I resolve to spend more time in His word and to be STILL and KNOW HIM more.....To make all of my moments count and to His glory.....To have less of me (and I am not talking about weight this time) and more of Him....."Less is more" is kind of the motto here.....
I resolve to laugh every single day....this one is easy....since I am doing it as I am writing this....Laughter to me is healing and wonderful and a necessity of life....those who do not laugh have missed out.....I think I laugh at myself more than anyone else...I crack myself up on a daily basis...I am just so stupid and do the craziest things....my favorite place is the grocery story....why just today I was in Publix on aisle 9 going down the soup aisle....I knocked over a display case of cans...they went flying and rolling down the aisle....I was waiting for the speaker to say..."cleanup on aisle 9"....but I quickly started cleaning up my mess....and watching others watch me....and telling them..."I got it....I got it"...Of course, nobody offered to help me out...just kept watching this idiot running around picking up cans....oh brother....I must have been a sight....but I just laughed....just when I am not looking my best.....wearing stupid old clothes.....I get attention and all eyes on me....ain't that the way it is?.....Life is funny that way.....
Anyway, go out there and have a great day today all of you Laura blog readers.....and thanks for taking a few minutes to read my dribble.....
Quite good, Laura! Made me laugh and I needed a laugh today, so I guess I'll have to be a fan! Janet