Friday, June 10, 2016

Tribute to Dear Old Mama!

 Ok....Here I go again...trying to put into words to explain my Mama!  
She turned 85 on June 9th....I have known her for 62 of those years.  And I can honestly say, she is a good way...and I am NUTS about her!  
To say she was the heartbeat of our family is an understatement...she brought life, laughter, & fun into the door of our hearts, and filled our tummies along the way.
She could fry up just about anything, and throw a little gravy on it, and you would think you had died and passed through the pearly,my,my those pies!  apple, lemon, name it, she could knock it out of the park!
Did I mention her hands?  They point every which way but straight.  She has had arthritis for years...Her standing joke was always, “I went to bed with Ben & I woke up with Arthur again this morning!”  Those misshaped hands help form me into who I am today.  She sews, stitches, glues, cuts, stamps, and has taken up painting at the age of 84!  She can paint a mean sunflower!  She is famous for her bookmarks and her hug coupons that she gives out freely when we go shopping.
She loves a good bargain and salivates when you pass a yard sale sign. If she spent more than $1.50 on a blouse, then she spent too much!
Her childhood was something of a horror show, but she has overcome the demons of her past, to become one of the richest women I know!  I am not talking about financial gain...she probably doesn’t have 2 nickels to rub together, because she gives away everything she doesn’t stay in her hands for long.  She is richer than Trump, the Gabor sisters, & Brad Pitt combined.....cause she has discovered the secret to a deep, full life!  Actually, it is no secret at all.  She tells most people she knows about HIM...Of course, I am talking about Jesus.  She knows His book upside down the other, and has never met a stranger!
Soooo....Have you met Jesus?....look no further....He indwells in the heart of this precious woman I call Mother!  
Happy Birthday Mama!  
Your children rise up and call you BLESSED

This was the first time EVER to get their toes done...a little slice of heaven! 
My view as I drove away...