Sunday, February 28, 2016

Field Trip to Jupiter 2-27-15

"Hey Audrey Belle....My name is Papa Joe!"

"I have heard about you...can I have your next corvette?"

"OK Pizza...just another mushroom right here and you will be done!"

"Mushrooms?...Not on mine, thank you very much!"



Look what I picked for you Mommy, while you were out to lunch!!!

Majo's rainbow cake needs to be savored!...and poked at...

MAJO...the baby whisperer!

....sweet family picture!

Ahhhh.....a little egg in the nest.....Precious!  Audrey Belle, you have a little piece of my heart...sleep on baby girl!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

What's Important to me

What’s important to me

Rocking a baby is a small taste of heaven for me

A home cooked meal after saying grace
Going to church and singing with the saints

Raising children to love their Lord

Being a good wife by bringing coffee every morning

Counting my blessings...which have far exceeded their limit

Friends who hold a piece of my heart

Parents who are dear and sweet

A sister who loves hers

Sitting by the fire on a cold morning

An open bible

a grandchild’s open arms

Watching someone being baptized

Staying fit with a lot of sweat along the way

Bluebell ice cream

Sun on my face

a nice ironed shirt

Sinking a long putt

Chicken soup when my throat is sore