Monday, November 23, 2015

Counting my Blessings...1 by 1!

I am SO Thankful                                                                     Nov. 26, 2015

Most years I have a house full of kids running around and a table full of turkey and all the fixins....This year it is just Joe and I.  WHAT?  Actually, I am looking forward to a quiet meal of a turkey breast, dressing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole(Papa Joe’s request) and apple pie..did I forget to mention there will be gravy...lots of it !!??...a feast for a king and queen, in my opinion.  I won’t have to put out extra chairs or make sure the bathrooms are clean(I usually have to make sure that I atleast check to see if there are any “floaters”) or make sure I have enough dessert....or treats...but I am good with it....cause in a month, I WILL have a house full....a loud house at that, and will love every minute of it!  But I like the quiet and the rest and the reflection of my crazy, incredible life and how God continues to pour blessings on my sorry self and wonder why He does and how I don’t deserve it, and doesn’t He know all that I have done wrong JUST this week, or just in the last few minutes?.....well, YES HE DOES....but He knows my name, He knows my faults, and He loves me anyway.....ahhh....gotta love a God like that!
SO, as I started counting my blessings some 4 years ago, I thought it only fitting to continue the here no particular order....
Love my man, 38 years and counting
Love Sarah....1st born, and 1st to “try things out” on
Love Stacy, the one stuck in the middle....O how I love the middle!
Love Philip, my boy...finally got one...and what a treasure he is....doesn’t call much, but that’s ok...he loves his mama, this I know!
Love Jeff....He married my 1st born, and this I am grateful that he takes good care of her.
Love Adam...My 2nd RED HEAD to join the family...He and Stacy built their house (took them 3 yrs) and is a godly man, and is making their house a home!
Love Amanda....she loves and married my boy!  Thank you Amanda for that, and for also carrying my 8th grandchild....a little girl...ahh, can’t wait to meet her!
Laura Jo...1st grand and SO grand to me!
Emily Jo...she loves Cinderella & her Papa Joe
Annie Grace...our chosen red head...what a spirit you have!
Millie Joy...another Jacksonville blessing who is so funny when she is so serious...
Claire Elizabeth...full of excitement and adventure
Joshua Scott...My 1st grandBOY...O boy, what a treasure you are and those BLUE eyes!
Norah Marie...copies her big sister to a T....and what funny faces you make
Baby Sherwood....You don’t have a name yet, but you are greatly loved by this Majo!
My parents...Still alive in Whitney, TX...married 65 years and they gave me life and lots of love to build on.
My sister....Glenda, you are my confidant through our childhood...I adore you! friend, my partner in our Double L Cafe, the New Orleans beauty queen, such a sweet heart! brought laughter into my life, and you have helped shape this 61 year old body(no easy task)...and you aren’t too bad at golf are the BEST!
My Wed bible study girls.....Linda, an old running buddy whom I love dearly, Patti, a speaker of truth, Carol, have traveled to Alaska and down the Colorado River with you, Vicky, we traveled to Europe and boated down the Danube River, Janie, my sweet friend who has been through so much adversity and came out like a true champ, Marsha, a sweet heart, Sally, a precious southern belle who has talents galore, Janet, a faithful servant, Denise, left us for the mountains, but one who walks with the Lord...We have prayed, we have laughed, we have cried on my couch for some 20 years...oh my, if those walls could talk....
My Tues. bible study girls...Angela,the baby, Cheryl, a bible scholar, Sherry, keeps us in stitches and on task, Karen, who says you have a bad heart?..I think it works just fine, & Kathy, your southern charm is infectious....not as many years together with you girls, but I love you each deeply...more than you know! thankful for your friendship, our “church” days together, and traveling to Israel with was a life changer climbing Mt Sinai on camels. TX friend....we raised our children together and you showed me what Jesus looks like!
Millie, my mentor and friend when I was a stupid teenager...By your example, I went to ACU & became a teacher!...thank you for leading the way!
Laurie, my neighbor, my friend, who has fed my animals when we leave town....thank you!
Saucer Sisters....there are too many of you(16) to name...but you mean the world to me! sharing grandma duties with you! are MORE than a fish guy....sure do love ya! 
THIS house....38 years of dust & memories...Dorothy, there is NO PLACE LIKE HOME!...
My throne room....Where I have 66 crosses and counting and have taken each of you to the mercy seat a time or two!
Ok, as you can see....I could go on and on and on....if you aren’t mentioned, it is only because I am running out of space....The good Lord has not sprinkled, but poured a bucket of blessing on this sorry head of mine and to this, I am thankful...I will lift my fork this thanksgiving and thank my God, my savior, my comforter, for giving me breath, turkey, dressing, pie and all the overflow of this life I lead...O so good!

Sunday, November 1, 2015


                    Here we are after eating a thanksgiving meal in October....A WILD bunch!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

My Last TX Trip Oct 2-7 2015

     It has been over 30 years since I have seen my friend Millie.   I have been looking for her for some time now.  Millie was and IS 5 years older than me.  She was my church camp counselor when I was a kid.  We both went to the same church and her Mother was my Sunday school teacher...Oooo how I LOVED that woman!  A treasure indeed!  When I got old enough to drive, I would go over there and hang out.  Her mom would fix me special treats and they just loved on this goofy kid...something I will never forget.  Her parents are since gone from this world, but Millie has remained, with husband and many grandkids to chase after.  I found her in Arlington, TX and decided we needed to meet face to face.  Women of Faith came to Dallas, so I arranged a meeting for us to go, along with my sister, Glenda, and the three of us had so much fun. We got a hotel room and giggled through the night and had ourselves a swell time!  Here is us at the WOF can see we got in the nose bleed section...but it was all good!

     I am also going to include a picture of ME in her wedding...I will let you try to figure out which one I was....Millie said she tried to pick bridesmaid dresses that we would wear again....Remind you now, I was 20 years old in this picture, and it was 1974.  This makes me laugh so hard at what was stylish, or at least we thought it was, back then!

     From there I made my way to Whitney, TX where I visited with my folks and went to the Whitney Church of Christ, where this picture was taken.  This church is a sweet slice of America....these sweet brethren love on my parents and vice versa...
Mother loves the Dollar Store and Hobby Lobby...

And I LOVE a good Texas burger!

During our long shopping day, Mother's feet were killing her, so we went to a store that said HAPPY FEET, in hopes of finding her some comfortable shoes....only to find it was a place that massaged feet...which was exactly what Mother needed at the Glenda and I set her up for a 30 minute foot massage right there and then....It did the trick....

Glenda is quite the seamstress.  She has been working on a Texas quilt for me for the last 4 years, and it is finally done.  I got to bring it home.  If you ever come over, you MUST see this thing.  It is a work of art!
Before I came home, we relaxed in Glenda's back yard.  It is quite calming with koi fish and a waterfall....ahhhh.....Loved it all!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Two years ago TODAY

Sept 11, 2015

Wow...a lot can happen in a span of 2 years.  Exactly 2 years ago today, Joe and I were in a Jacksonville court house, witnessing a transformation of 2 little girls....They were once foster kids....and by the swing of a gavel, they became our latest grandgirls.  What a blessed day.  Their lives are no longer in question....They BELONG, they were CHOSEN and are cared for by Stacy & Adam.  This Mom could not be more proud!  
As parents we do our best at the time and wonder....”Will they grow up to be responsible, loving, caring adults?”  The answer is a BIG YES!  If my 3 kids know nothing else, they know their mama loves them no matter what.....along with Jesus who loved them first.
So today we remember that 2 little girls got a FOREVER home. And as Jackie Gleason would say...”How sweet it is!”  INDEED!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Sept 8, 2015

Things I no particular order....

     I love Sundays....I love early mornings, Sunrises, the way the sun pokes its head through the clouds, trying to get a peak at what is going on down here!...I love my early morning Jazz classes... Who doesn't want to start their day out with a dance?...I am crazy about my husband... He is really funny....yeah, I know... Who knew???.... Nobody knows that, since he is so quiet....he is also very smart...he can build furniture, fix pert near anything, and is redoing my laundry room..... And that reminds me of one more thing I love.... And that is ironing....I really do like pressing the man's shirts...yes, I know…. strange...
     I love my grandkids...... They are the bomb.... They crack me up, they make a mess, they break things, they wear me out, and I wouldn't have it any other way... Am looking forward to number 8 from Amanda!!!. There is nothing like rocking a baby.... Hearing the heavy breathing, the sweat on your shoulder, the soft skin....the smell of baby powder....a little slice of heaven....
     I love my crazy friends..... One would have to be, if they are in my inner circle....I love my old friends from high school...we are still in touch...I love my "not so old" friends who have stuck with me... And then there are my newer, mind you, they are "old" but new to me....that I wouldn't trade for a bucket of fried chicken!!!!..... Now that's love!
     I love my kids...I birthed the most amazing human beings that I know.... Each so different, yet so wonderful.... And their spouses....they picked good and they are all still in love.... Makes a mama's heart go all warm inside......I love this 28 year old house that is full of dust and memories! I love my throne room that is full of crosses(65 so far)...I love my mercy seat where a lot of these crosses end up sooner or later....I love going on bended knee, praying to the one who has all the answers.... For answers!
     I love the good book, the words in red, and my creator and savior..... Could not go a day without Him breathing new life into me....thank you Lord for your breath of fresh air!
     Love my parents.... Who gave me life, love and a safe place to call home...
     I love arms stretched out yelling "Majo!!!"..... Love doing the"Majo" dance when they hugs from my grands, bathing them, even changing those stinky's all good..... Love playing hide and go seek, especially when they hide in the same place every time and are surprised when they are fun… never gets old!
     I could probably go on and on.... I am Just so blessed from my head to my toes... Beyond words!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

My Texas Bunk Room

If anyone knows me at all....they know that my roots run deep down into the heart of TEXAS, where I was born and raised.  So it only seemed fitting to have a Texas room in Florida.  But not anything would do.  My friend James Musser is a gifted carpenter from Hawkins, Texas.  I commissioned him to build me a couple of bunk beds. He didn't get the lumber from Home Depot, but actually went out on his property and "harvested" the wood, as he puts it. (it is cedar, BTW) It took him a good while to build these babies....They are a work of art.  

So....How do you get 500 pound bunk beds each, to Florida you may ask....good question....

You get a one way ticket, rent a Uhaul, drive to Hawkins, pick up the beds, and drive them back, silly!  How else?

I just so happen to have a husband who went along with my crazy plan.

...And a husband who is talented enough to put these babies together.  On our long ride back to Florida, we realized that the room we had planned for these beds would not do...just love when that happens! We needed a bigger once home, we moved 3 bedrooms around, and of course, I had to paint this room in a Texas blue bonnet BLUE, right?  My sister, Glenda, made the blankets for the beds.  So EVERYTHING in here was made by a Texan!  Only thing left to say is YEHAW!...Come visit us....your bed is waiting for ya!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sundays 8-16-15

Why I love Sundays 

   Back in the day (1960's), Sunday's were sacred.  Very few stores were opened, no-one mowed their lawns.... It was a day to rest, a day to go to church, a day to be quiet.  I loved Sundays as a child.  Got to go to Sunday school and learn about Jesus.... Got to go to church and sing about Jesus, then we would have a Sunday lunch (which was rich in love and calories) and thank Jesus for it.  A childhood memory that I cherish.... Thank you Mother and Daddy for giving me such sweet times.  
    Fast forward to 2015......I still love Sundays......I get up and make coffee, watch a little church TV.... Who doesn't love Charles Stanley?... Then we head to church....sing good and loud during praise time and hear a good convicting sermon.... And if it is a really good Sunday, I get to witness a baptism.... That always sends chills up my spine, makes my eyes swell up with tears, and just warms my soul.....I so love baptisms.... Today especially....a gal got baptised who recently got out of prison, who is in our "just as I am" program.... The entire group of them all stood up when she entered the water and I thought I would burst with chills.... What a declaration of unity... Loved it!.... And then we all clapped as she rose from the"grave" of baptism.....shedding the old "man"... Or in this case "woman" and starting a new life with Jesus.....this is why I love Sundays!!!!
    We always have the Lord's Supper every Sunday..... Does it get old?.... Sometimes.... But in my later years, it means the world to me..... It reminds me of why I am here, it reminds me of the sacrifice, and it reminds me to be thankful to my Lord and Savior.
    We go home, change into our "house" clothes..... Eat lunch, which is usually leftovers, and watch a little Sunday Morning (our favorite show to DVR) .... Joe and I like to guess what the nature scene will be at the end... It is surprising how many times we have guessed it dead on....our little game we like to play.  
    When we are really tired, we get a nap in, or I catch up with Laundry, or watch Golf, or do an afternoon Jazz class.....or the grandkids come over for a swim..... All of those make up for a good Sunday!!!
    So I have to ask...... Do you love your Sundays?....I am thinking the Lord wants us to. The older I get, the more reflective I become.... And love the Lord's day..... Actually, every day belongs to Him..... So Lord.....I give this day to you!.... Make it Rock!
     BTW, that picture on top is NOT from our church, but a picture I took in Germany this year.....ha.....just needed to clarify!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

65 Reasons

     Last February my parents celebrated 65 years of marriage.  I wrote them 65 reasons of why I loved them.  I just ran across it and thought I would share it with you.  Some of it won't make much sense, but it does to them, and that is all that matters.


  1. You gave me life!
  2. You brought the egg in from the front porch.
  3. You loved me unconditionally.
  4. You changed my bed in the middle of the night when I would wet it.
  5. You spanked me when I needed it.
  6. You also peppered my mouth a time or two.
  7. You gave me my love for cooking!
  8. You are the BEST cook, next to me, of course!
  9. Daddy taught me how to fish & how to clean them once caught.
  10. Loved all the times on the lake fishing.
  11. I never went without.
  12. Took me to church.
  13. Taught me to love the Lord.
  14. Showed me how to care for others.
  15. Love watching you two give of yourselves.
  16. Watching Mother put on her makeup.
  17. Gave me my love for country music.
  18. Road trips to Dallas.
  19. White horse.
  20. You taught me how to make gravy, the 5th food group!
  21. You gave me my sense of humor.
  22. Gave me a quarter for the ice cream truck.
  23. Loved how Daddy could fix anything, so I married a man who could as well.
  24. You made all my clothes, my dresses for church.
  25. Mother was always the prettiest Mother around, and still is!
  26. Making crafts.
  27. Your love for the Rangers.
  28. Fun times at the bowling alley and playing 42 with your friends at the house.
  29. The way you love my children.
  30. The way you love my grandchildren, your great grandchildren!
  31. Your love of garage sales and saving a dollar!
  32. Your love for dogs!
  33. Handing me a piece of homemade pie and saying, “You won’t like it.”
  34. On your death bed coughing and saying, “I’m just fine!”
  35. Your positive attitude!
  36. How you love to go singing at the nursing homes.
  37. How Mother loves to go to Hobby Lobby and give people hug coupons.
  38. Homemade book marks.
  39. The way you tell me I am your favorite!
  40. You pray for me.
  41. Your sweet tea.
  42. Sitting & talking at the kitchen table.
  43. The way you love on others.
  44. You gave me an awesome sister!
  45. The way you tell stories.
  46. The way you exaggerate.
  47. You are a phone call away!
  48. Your birthday song!
  49. Sitting in church and hearing you sing.
  50. Daddy’s hands, rough but strong.
  51. Mother’s hands, bent but never idle.
  52. Daddy’s pie crust.
  53. Mother filling up those pies.
  54. I will always be your baby!
  55. Daddy’s step stools he made for all of us.
  56. Mother’s sense of humor.
  57. Chicken & dumplins
  58. Being born & raised in Texas.
  59. Picking pecans.
  60. Getting a bag of pecans to take home.
  61. Both of your “crafty” ways!
  62. Your love of stamping.
  63. Silver Alert in Walmart.
  64. Your church gift bags.
  65. The way you love me so!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015



     They seem to follow me....I continue to buy Roundup from Home Depot.....I spray like I am painting a house.... But they continue to come back..... They come through concrete, cracks, rocks..... Really?......I pull em, I yank em, I curse em..... But they continue to laugh at me.... It seems like they come back even stronger... Like with a back bone..... Surely the garden of Eden had no weeds....I can't even imagine it.....I certainly don't live in Eden, but would love a weedless life.... Is there such a thing?.... Doubt it.... So now I have changed my attitude....I kinda respect these guys...I mean, look how hard they work.... Coming from nowhere through concrete.... That takes some doing!.... Then a few weeks ago Laura Jo pulled some weeds from a patch at church....a guess they were spiritual weeds.... There were Flowers at the ends of the green stalks and she said "Majo, I got you some beautiful flowers!" ....I went home and put them in a vase and they were transformed before my eyes!. Thank you Lord for the weeds you put in my path!!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Texas meets Florida July 4th, 2015

          This past week, we had my niece Paula and her hubby Kevin along with Landon, Evie & Julie come for a visit.  Most of us here are in our July 4th clothes....Joe thought I said we were celebrating Hawaii....oh well, we will get his hearing checked next week!  
          We had a great time with hotdogs and the such....more food than should be allowed by a large group of relatives!  The little cousins got to meet for the first time...SWEET!  This family is growing as we speak....our Amanda is with child and plans to bring yet one more little munchkin into this family...another one for Majo's lap is just fine with me! lap is getting bigger by the day....plenty of room for little babies!

Monday, July 6, 2015

My summer so far...

July 4, 2015

This has been the craziest summer of my memory.....Now mind you, I have little memory these days.....being all of is slowly but assuridly slipping comes with age...I thought wisdom came with age, but now I am questioning that as well.
In May, Joe & I went on a 10 day trip to Europe by way of a barge called a viking cruise boat down the Danube River. We returned only to watch 2 Jacksonville grandgirls, while their parents go on an Alaskan cruise for 10 days. A day later we go to TX to get in a U-Haul truck and drive from Hawkins, TX to Florida hauling two hand made bunk beds (thank you James Musser). We get home and decide to move around 3 bedrooms so that the bunks would have a fitting resting place.  I manage to paint the bunk room a stunning TX blue and everything is in it’s place .... ready for my niece, husband, 3 kids, and 16 others made up of my children and 7 grands and 1 foster child to follow suit to celebrate the 4th!...I think I counted 21 total.  We had a house full of sticky snotty nosed windows, one kid threw up, several hit, bit, and probably spit, and we had hot dogs of many sorts, mac-n-cheese, baked beans, corn on the cob, treats of many kinds, and full tummies all around!  We swam, played tennis, made forts, managed a few theme parks in there (this is Florida, after all), and ate & drank ourselves silly!  And we aren’t through....The summer is only half way done.
As I was sitting here in a quiet house....something that hasn’t happened lately, I reflected upon how blessed and wonderful my God is.  We were walking into church yesterday, when Annie bends down to tell Julie, “Julie, this is Majo & Papa Jo’s church.  You will love it. It is beautiful here.”  They held hands and walked each other to class and I thought....”Thank you God....We managed to get 5 kids dressed, hair in place, and in class before church started....This is a beautiful thing....then Annie proceeds to tell Julie the memory verse she learned at Camp Majo.....””Be Kind to one another. Eph. 4:32”.  And they were kind, if only for a little moment in time....before the hitting and biting took place once they got home, of course.!
     This weekend came to an end with wonderful news of yet another Sherwood grandchild coming into our lives come January.  Amanda is with child No. 3....making me a soon to be Majo of 8!...Eight as of now, that is...and who said “Eight is enough?” ....Don’t know why God continues to shower more grands my way....I guess it’s because He knows I will love them the best way a Majo can.....with all her heart and maybe a few ice cream treats!

Laura Jo, Julie, Evie, and Millie, who refused to pose!

Monday, June 22, 2015


June 15, 2015 CAMP MAJO begins it's first session
Millie, Annie, Laura, & Emily are excited campers!

There were little complaints at the mess hall!

The Camp-mobile was a hit with movies non stop!

FUNNY FACES AT LUNCH were required 

Millie, what kind of funny face is that?
AND of course we didn't even have to go to the zoo to see the wild life!

Papa Joe is using his life guard skills!
What would camp be without crafts?

A lot of concentration was needed

...and of course adult supervision....thank you Millie!

VOILA!  Their Father's Day crafts are done!
On our way to church on Sunday....

Shhhhh.....a sleepy camper is a happy Majo!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Father’s Day 2015

  Alvin Glenn Lyon is his name...he’s my Daddy!  He will be 89 in October.  He was born and raised in Texas and proud of it.  He has been with the same woman for 65 years, and I think they are going to stay together .... for the sake of the children of course!
He was a no nonsense kind of Dad....What he said was the law, and don’t mess with him.  He was strict and I got my share of whoopins!  I will say I deserved every one of them.  Don’t know why I was a contankerous little gal, but I liked to go right when I was told to go left...I liked to bite and spit and draw on the name it, I probably did it, or thought about it.
He would come home from work at 5:00, almost like clock work.  We would eat dinner at 5:05.  Mother always had something wonderful on the table, and it never occurred to Glenda or I to question it.  
A lot of the time we had Mother’s two brothers living with us and often Mother’s Dad as well....Daddy always welcomed them in the door.  Family is family .... and you take care of family!
He was a man of God from my very early memory.  We never missed a church service unless we were bleeding or sick.  I caught him often reading the good book and he lead the blessing over our food and often thanked the Lord for the bounty.  
He was and still is a quiet man.  Doesn’t say a whole lot, but when he does, you need to listen up!  He won’t repeat himself!  You heard it the first time!  We didn’t travel much except for our usual trip to Dallas from Baytown to visit Mama & Papa.  We would maybe stop ONCE.  If you needed to take care of business, we were supplied with an empty mayonaise jar to take care of that.  We never missed and got pretty good at that over time.
This picture is one of my favorites and was one of the last one taken on our last trip there.  We were going to a HODOWN and had to dress accordingly!  
My Daddy is not a tall man, but he stands TALL in the eyes of the Lord.  When you are on your knees, that is when you are the closest to heaven.

Happy Father’s Day, Daddy!  Hope you get a good nap in before night church.  You deserve the very best!...Your cantankerous wild child LOVES YOU! 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Our Viking River Boat Cruise

Our boat took us to Germany, Austria, and Hungary down the Danube River.                           May 17-24 2015

Our suite was SWEET!
Our boat was a nice ride.

They even had champagne to greet as we got there.

The bathroom had top notch details

nice view from our room

We saw lots of churches

the scenery was fabulous!

the open markets were fun too

We sampled the local food....not bad for this red neck!

Speaking of rednecks, I found me 4 women from Texas...they loved me!
Honestly, this was all I saw Valerie do the whole time we were there!
They even had Joe dogs!
Our first European selfie!
Vicky is showing us her Christian shaped sausage!
Thank you Valerie for your dinner display....looks good enough to eat!
What is a cruise without animal shaped towels?

Umbrellas were a must for this trip!
George & LaDonice were fun to be around!

Our last night in Budapest

Here's to a great trip!