Saturday, May 24, 2014
May 24, 2014 Memorial Day Weekend
This morning bright and early we look out our bedroom and are surrounded by turkeys.....and we aren't even related to these guys! A mama and her 6 cute is that?
Sunday, May 18, 2014
My Birthday Weekend
"Her children arise and call her blessed" Prov. 31:28 |
My children surprised me with this beautiful necklace. It is filled with gems from my 7 (yes, I said 7) grandchildren's birth stones, along with a sweet footprint, that represents Hannah, the one waiting in heaven for me....along with a cross, which represents the one who is waiting in heaven for me as well, and who holds my very heart in His hands. It is a reminder of how truly blessed I am...there aren't enough gems to fill all the necklaces in the world...I am blessed beyond measure.
We had a professional photographer come for a 3 hour session on Sat. morning at 8am...we were all dressed in our finest...which in itself was a feat. We had a few meltdowns and tears, and that was just from Joe! I have yet to see the results, but am sure there ought to be a few in there worth framing and hanging on my limited wall space.
Stacy & Annie rock jumping |
Adam & Millie calmly doing their THANG! |
cousin jumping |
Sisters being tossed about |
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Annie loves to practice her bathing suit pageant stance |
Joshua is getting bigger |
WHAT? I can't stand on the chairs? |
Mother's Day lunch is underway....what a feast! |
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Norah is practicing her hitchhiking skills! |
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Hey Mom...can I have a cookie? |
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taken from Sarah's camera |
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another one taken with Sarah's camera...tell me again why we PAID for a photographer? |
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Top 10 Things that I know for sure at 60
- Jesus loves me, this I know! There is NO DOUBT in my mind and heart. Jesus does it for me. He is the REAL deal! We Texans are a proud bunch of rednecks, and we love to brag that EVERYTHING is bigger in Texas. Hair, Houses, Taxes....but the real truth is Jesus is even’s true...really! He has my hair counted. Personally, I don’t know why anyone would want to know that bit of information, but the fact that He knows it, is really something, and comforts me. With every brush, it becomes less for Him to count, by the way. He knows my name, my address and could call me home at anytime. So, thank you Jesus for your love, your sacrifice, & for my name in your book!
- Another thing I know for sure is that my cup overflows. I am blessed beyond measure.
me & my man the gang's all here - My friends have my back.
Tues. bible study girls Wed. bible study girls me, Vicky, Carol & Jaaaannnnn(that is how it's spelled in TX) saucer sisters
my high school gang - Health is everything at my age. Of course, we all have our aches and pains, but I strive to be and stay strong. In the last 4 years, I have taken up jazzercise, which I am their strongest ally and spokesperson...and have become one heck of a dancer...(in my mind only, of course!) It keeps me in good shape and strengthens my bones.
a selfie of Sherry & I - Eating healthy is actually good for you! Yes, I can’t believe I even said that out loud. This is from someone who grew up frying everything and topping it with a good portion of gravy, just for good measure. Just ask anyone who knows me, and they probably have a gravy story or two. I am by No means perfect, but I do work on eating grilled meats, more salads, and have given up Diet Cokes and sugar as best I can...which was no easy task.
- Laughter is good medicine...Read it for yourself in Prov. 15. It brings life to your bones, lifts the spirit, and is just down right the best pill I pop every day. If I don’t have a good laugh or two, then it hasn’t been a good day. One thing the good Lord has blessed me with, is a good sense of humor. Of course, that is MY opinion. I usually have a smile, a grin on my face, and it keeps people guessing what is up with me.
- I don’t take life so seriously. Ask anyone. I am not a worrier, but a pray-er! Some think I am flippant with my carefree attitude, but honestly, worrying about it, won’t change things, and in my opinion, shows my lack of faith in a God who is in charge of my life. I will let Him do the worrying, but I know that He doesn’t worry either...I will choose HIS path, any day! People put self-imposed burdens on themselves and it weighs them down. I choose to live LIGHTER...
- I know that the Bible was God-breathed, is true, is life, & is my go-to book! I have tried it on my own....The Book of Laura (don’t know if you have read it), and although it is a fascinating read, it doesn’t get me anywhere!...I heard a preacher say years ago....just READ THE RED! Those are Jesus’ words in red....if I did nothing but that, I am ahead of the game! I memorized Ps. 40:1-3 “I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.” It got me through a dark time in my life, and holds true to this very day. He has definitely put a new song in my heart...just ask me sometime, and I will hum a few verses!
- Grandchildren are a true gift from God.
Laura, Emily, Annie, Millie Claire
Norah - I do not have it all together. Can I get an amen? I have been a Christian for 50 years. I can’t believe it has been that long. My spiritual birthday is July 8, 1964. One would think I would have my act together, after all these years...but I struggle with pride, being judgmental, gossip, my mouth, my mind, my heart, the truth, time management, & pert near everything that you can think of. But this I know...God loves me...ME! And although I struggle, He is always beaconing me back to Him, to His arms, to His throne, almost to the point of feeling His breath....I will always belong to Him and can hardly wait for His return! I have said many times, that my mansion will be on the corner with a porch, where we can all sit and drink sweet tea. So be sure to look me up! It will overlook the golf course, where I will have a standing tee time of 9am in the cool of the day! that’s paradise!
Friday, May 2, 2014
A Tribute to Dear Old Mom
Mother’s Day 2014
What can I say about my sweet mama? Where do I begin? I can start by saying she is still alive and kicking. She is 83 years young and is a mess.....guess who I take after?
(higher the hair, closer to God) |
She was quite the LOOKER in her day.....turned a many a head, but especially my daddy’s. They have been married 64 years.
Growing up, she looked like a fashion model to me. Glenda and I would sit on the bed and watch her put her make-up on in the mornings. Apparently there was nothing on TV. It was quite the show. She started out with a blank slate and ended up with a master piece and we watched the transformation before our eyes. Mostly she applied RED lipstick and still does to this day.
church directory picture |
She has always had a thing for shoes. Had lots of them to match everything she wore. And I would say most of her things were handmade on her sewing machine. She could turn a McCall’s pattern into a work of art. Glenda inherited the sewing apparently skipped me, cause I can’t sew a straight line...nor did I care for the many dresses she made me. I was quite the tomboy and there wasn’t a tree I didn’t climb. I wore her out most days.
She was a stay-at-home mom who kept a tidy little house and made the best meals I have ever had. There was not a meal that something wasn’t fried and gravy was slapped on top. Those were the good old days!
Today she loves a good bargain...hates to pass up a garage or estate sale. She will get dressed for church and have to tell you her whole ensemble cost her $1.25. She is famous for her bookmarks, and always has some on hand to give out whenever she goes into Hobby Lobby. She has never met a stranger...she likes to get in their face and has spacial boundary issues! One time at Walmart, Glenda and I lost her cause she had wandered off, so we went through the aisles saying “Silver Alert!” until we found her. She was off talking and was in somebody’s face of course, and had handed her a bookmark, by the time we found her. That is just how she is, and I love her to pieces for it.
I look in the mirror and see her, and when I talk, her words flow out of my mouth. Don’t know how that happens, but it does. When Joe tells me “You are just like your mama!”, I smile and say THANK YOU! Can’t think of a better compliment.
So Mama, this is your day....Thank you for giving me birth, for loving me, for praying for me, and for being an excellent Christian example for this old red neck to follow....just wish I were there to hug yours.....
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