January 26th we made a trek to Jacksonville to witness Stacy & Adam dedicating their children to the Lord. Pastor Doug prayed over each child, praying that their parents raise them with the Lord as Number 1 in their lives. It was a rather quick little prayer time before the service started that was sweet, sweet! As Majo & Papa Joe, we didn't want to miss out on this one! Annie called it a "delegation" which is close enough. There were 2 other couples, so Millie got a little "antsie" toward the end. The adoption was 4 mths ago...the bond will last a life time.
The last 2 months my OLDER kiddos have had birthdays...most were lost in the busy holiday months. Just wanted to do a shout out of birthday wishes!
Adam....You have taken on 2 little girls, have welcomed them into your home, and they call you "dad"! Enjoy these years. They go by so fast! That head of red will turn gray before your eyes! 33 years and counting!
Stacy....my middle child...the one who is kind, sweet, loving, compassionate, caring...just like her mama! You have grown into such a fine woman that I can hardly stand it! Love you so! 31 and counting!
Philip....my baby boy! This is the LAST year in your 20's! Hard to believe it! From a squirrely little kid to an amazing Dad, with one more on the way! Enjoy your youth...it gets away from ya fast. 29 and counting!
Amanda....You are an awesome Mother, sister, daughter, friend, & especially daughter in law! Could not have picked out a better match for my crazy son! Happy Birthday and many many more.....28 and counting!