Thursday, December 22, 2011
Our Bear Christmas Tree

Monday, December 19, 2011
We will miss you!

Dan & Beth Holland....What Can I say? We enjoyed lunch yesterday....eating burgers & fries with friends after church don’t get much better than that!
My blessing for you comes from Numbers. It is the blessing Aaron, the high priest, blessed his people with. I ain’t no high priest, by any stretch, but here goes:
“May the Lord bless you and keep you; May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; AND May the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace!”
Climbing Mt. Sinai will always be a high light for me personally, but doing it with you guys makes it so much more special. I can remember Beth and I were worn clean out, could barely breathe, but we finally made it to the summit, just in time for the sun to crest over the mountains. Joe & Dan beat us up there, of course. Dan was like a dad gum billy goat. What a sight. A holy mountain....watching the sun rise....with life long friends.....are you kidding me?....How great was that?
It will be exciting to watch your next mountain climb. You are so prepared. You got your boots, your scarfs, your jacket....you are ready for take off. So go do great things for the Lord! We love you guys!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Laura Jo helping me with Christmas cookies!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Thanksgiving in Jacksonville
It looked like a dad gum parking lot next to their house....corvette parking for sure....
Jeff and Emily are outside relaxing....Emily behaved the whole time & so did Jeff.
Adam, Jeff, & Sarah are enjoying the new outdoor furniture....was that green approved by the HOA?
All the food lined up for round 2.....what was left of it....that is!
I am so thankful for my wonderful and cool family...You guys ROCK!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Thanksgiving in October!
I cooked the ham in my NuWave oven that Mother gave me....came out nice!
We can always count on Sarah to start up the line....thanks girl!
It didn't take everybody long to join in.....We had turkey, dressing, ham, green bean casserole, corn pudding, tomatoes, deviled eggs, rolls and of course enough gravy to choke a horse!
Mother was happy with her plate selection....
Lottie Lou was our photographer....I had to give her credit for getting this group to cooperate!
The Westover's.........Sarah, Emily, Laura Jo, and Jeff
The 4 Generations are accounted for....
Love all the women in this family!!!
And these are the two who started it all!
Mother & Daddy and their two girls.....
2 sisters and their Ma
Friday, October 7, 2011
Look who's potty trained!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
I believe I will have that one please kind church lady
It helped to get in the holes by getting a TAD CLOSE......way to go girl!
She was the master at ring toss
The Bounce House was way too much fun, especially while wearing a tiara.....!
Emily slept thru thru the whole thing.....that's my girl!
Sarah had trouble keeping up with the little toot!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Utah Mountain Golf
There is nothing like golfing in the mountains....We actually had friends who wanted to join us....Way too fun!....and as you can see....I didn't skip any meals....
GOLF.....FRIENDS.......FOOD....What's not to love?????...Thanks guys for making it a memorable, awesome trip!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Stacy comes home for her 10 yr HS REUNION
Stacy enjoyed being "AUNT" Stacy to her sweet Emily Jo this weekend, who seems not all that interested at the moment.....what is wrong with these kids these days?