This is the old dirt road that leads to Olive's house....She is my new friend from church....She's 87 years old, drives her own car, lives alone, & is a fiesty THANG! She had me over today for lunch. She fixed broccoli cheese soup, a sandwich and ice tea AND pumpkin pie for dessert....All I could say after that was OLIVE YOU!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Olive You
This is the old dirt road that leads to Olive's house....She is my new friend from church....She's 87 years old, drives her own car, lives alone, & is a fiesty THANG! She had me over today for lunch. She fixed broccoli cheese soup, a sandwich and ice tea AND pumpkin pie for dessert....All I could say after that was OLIVE YOU!
How cute is Laura Jo?
This was taken two days ago on March 20th, 2010.....I think this child is brilliant....what do you think?
Saturday, March 20, 2010
March 20th ramblings...
My blog has been silent for a I thought I would wake up and write a few things....thoughts that are going on in this brain of’s okay, don’t get scared!
When you get to my age.....Lets old is that again? Oh yeah....The double nickel! “55”....Wow, I can remember when I was a kid and 55 was so OLD...but now that I have “ARRIVED”, it ain’t so fact, it’s pretty dog gone GREAT.....Wouldn’t want to go back....the only thing I would want back, would be sleep, energy, stronger bones...and did I mention sleep?
I have arrived at a place they call the “empty nest”.....That is a false representation of my house.....It is far from empty.....I am in it for starters....I see Joe on occasion wandering around.....This mama eagle has kicked the eaglets out and they are flying on their own. Which is how it’s suppose to be, right?.....If you have read anything about eagles, the mama starts tearing her nest apart to get her babies to fly.....and if you were to see my house right now, you would think I did a pretty good job of tearing up this nest...We are in the process of fixing up the kid’s rooms....which means everything in them is all over the hallways, extra rooms....why didn’t I get them to take this stuff with them when they flew off?....What was I thinkin’?
I can remember after-school practices, football games, cheerleading tryouts, flag flippin’ routines, kids had to be here, there, & everywhere, and I was the taxi that got them there. I loved every minute of it. I was cookie mom, I volunteered at every turn, and took my birds to church and tried to let them see Jesus in me....a lot of the time they saw a frazzled mom....just hanging on......but as they grew.... all three have proclaimed their love for God, Jesus, and their faith is their own. I told them when they went off to college, that their faith would be tested and they couldn’t get to heaven on my coat tails.....besides, my coat has no tails that I know of....Don’t know what I did right....actually, I don’t take any is all God.....but Sarah, Stacy, & Philip are amazing children of mine(of course a mama would say that, right?).....I love you guys!...and a mama couldn’t be prouder....I had a great example with my own parents who are still alive and not only well, but going stronger than ever at 78 and 83.....!...You ROCK!...They’ve been married 60 cotton pickin’ years!
Sarah, I have seen you go from a self-absorbed teenager to a loving wife, Mom, and daughter.....It is amazing to see my first born be such a great Mom...didn’t think she would ever cook....but that girl is turning into ME.....which is a mother’s dream(at least mine)...and she is even sewing....which I never could get the hang of....couldn’t sew a straight line...and Jeff is a great husband, Dad, and a hard worker....he is in school now to be a nurse anesthesis...can’t at all pronounce that...but know he will make a good one.
Stacy.....You are with second grand child is growing as we speak...we will find out in a month what this precious thing will be....of the male or female variety...but whatever it will have RED HAIR....No doubt....and will be loved like none other.....what a sweet addition it will be.....Adam....I sit back in amazement at all you do....building a house, polishing up your resumé and finally landing a has been a tough year for you I guys will make awesome parents....
Philip....what can I say? My only son.....You were a challenge from the get go....driving the girls crazy with your “bother stick” ...... I am pretty sure that is when my hair started to turn gray.....But you are now a grown man....when did that happen? You married that precious Amanda who keeps you in line, you guys just bought a house, you are involved in church....I mean, life is good for you....enjoy it while you won’t always be that has a way of turning on ya when you least except you both so much!
O Joe....we will be married 33 years in they said it wouldn’t last...ha! I love making you coffee in the morning, I love playing golf (and beating you,) and it cracks me up that you have joined me in will become a dancer after all!
Well, enough of my must be tired of looking at the computer screen by now....Have an awesome day....It is the first day of spring....get outside and enjoy this incredible weather....I think I will go feed the squirrels and turkeys and deer and thank God for my Sherwood forest.
When you get to my age.....Lets old is that again? Oh yeah....The double nickel! “55”....Wow, I can remember when I was a kid and 55 was so OLD...but now that I have “ARRIVED”, it ain’t so fact, it’s pretty dog gone GREAT.....Wouldn’t want to go back....the only thing I would want back, would be sleep, energy, stronger bones...and did I mention sleep?
I have arrived at a place they call the “empty nest”.....That is a false representation of my house.....It is far from empty.....I am in it for starters....I see Joe on occasion wandering around.....This mama eagle has kicked the eaglets out and they are flying on their own. Which is how it’s suppose to be, right?.....If you have read anything about eagles, the mama starts tearing her nest apart to get her babies to fly.....and if you were to see my house right now, you would think I did a pretty good job of tearing up this nest...We are in the process of fixing up the kid’s rooms....which means everything in them is all over the hallways, extra rooms....why didn’t I get them to take this stuff with them when they flew off?....What was I thinkin’?
I can remember after-school practices, football games, cheerleading tryouts, flag flippin’ routines, kids had to be here, there, & everywhere, and I was the taxi that got them there. I loved every minute of it. I was cookie mom, I volunteered at every turn, and took my birds to church and tried to let them see Jesus in me....a lot of the time they saw a frazzled mom....just hanging on......but as they grew.... all three have proclaimed their love for God, Jesus, and their faith is their own. I told them when they went off to college, that their faith would be tested and they couldn’t get to heaven on my coat tails.....besides, my coat has no tails that I know of....Don’t know what I did right....actually, I don’t take any is all God.....but Sarah, Stacy, & Philip are amazing children of mine(of course a mama would say that, right?).....I love you guys!...and a mama couldn’t be prouder....I had a great example with my own parents who are still alive and not only well, but going stronger than ever at 78 and 83.....!...You ROCK!...They’ve been married 60 cotton pickin’ years!
Sarah, I have seen you go from a self-absorbed teenager to a loving wife, Mom, and daughter.....It is amazing to see my first born be such a great Mom...didn’t think she would ever cook....but that girl is turning into ME.....which is a mother’s dream(at least mine)...and she is even sewing....which I never could get the hang of....couldn’t sew a straight line...and Jeff is a great husband, Dad, and a hard worker....he is in school now to be a nurse anesthesis...can’t at all pronounce that...but know he will make a good one.
Stacy.....You are with second grand child is growing as we speak...we will find out in a month what this precious thing will be....of the male or female variety...but whatever it will have RED HAIR....No doubt....and will be loved like none other.....what a sweet addition it will be.....Adam....I sit back in amazement at all you do....building a house, polishing up your resumé and finally landing a has been a tough year for you I guys will make awesome parents....
Philip....what can I say? My only son.....You were a challenge from the get go....driving the girls crazy with your “bother stick” ...... I am pretty sure that is when my hair started to turn gray.....But you are now a grown man....when did that happen? You married that precious Amanda who keeps you in line, you guys just bought a house, you are involved in church....I mean, life is good for you....enjoy it while you won’t always be that has a way of turning on ya when you least except you both so much!
O Joe....we will be married 33 years in they said it wouldn’t last...ha! I love making you coffee in the morning, I love playing golf (and beating you,) and it cracks me up that you have joined me in will become a dancer after all!
Well, enough of my must be tired of looking at the computer screen by now....Have an awesome day....It is the first day of spring....get outside and enjoy this incredible weather....I think I will go feed the squirrels and turkeys and deer and thank God for my Sherwood forest.
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